Sunday March 16, 2025
16 , Ramadan , 1446
Leading The Way
Saudi Arabia
Discover Saudi
Tariq A. Al-Maeena
51 - 60 From 295 result
Jews with a conscience
And yet, thanks to NGO groups, such as JVP and others, the realities of Israeli policies have become increasingly evident to a previously uninformed public. There are more voices rising in support of Palestinian rights across the United States by ...
A letter of concern
“Am I mistaken? I ask myself this question after I talked to a man yesterday who is a professional in good standing and is a manager of a business for one local Saudi.
Holocaust Part 2 is real
“I can’t pretend anymore. Not after Israel’s Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked, explicitly declaring stone-throwing to be terrorism, drove the passage of a bill holding stone-throwers liable to up to 20 years in prison. The law did not specify that it ...
The semi-skilled conundrum
We tend to look at them as background fixtures, because we are so used to their presence everywhere. However, those fixtures house human beings with warm blood running through their veins and resilience to the many forms of abuse that ...
Know the pill you’re about to pop
Somehow it seems that very little effort is made by those in this noble profession to understand the mechanics and triggers that have led the patient to seek such help. Any student of psychology or psychiatry will tell you that ...
Do not deprive people of their rights
The new owner spent a few months trying to make a go of it, but a year later he closed it down, leaving his staff high and dry and totally in the dark about their future. What added to their ...
Take pride in your environment
Wherever it may be, the city we live in is our address to the world. And it does not matter if we are a Saudi or an expatriate, an Asian or a European or young or old. We are all ...
Letter from an expat
Employment contracts signed with expatriates have sometimes come under fire for their ambiguity regarding salaries or benefits. What was agreed to and signed on is later found not to be carved in stone. A case in point is the following ...
To judge in haste is to err as quickly
When a murder occurs every 22 minutes or a rape every five minutes within the borders of the United States, should I look upon the entire American citizenry as a gang of rapists and assassins? When a few hundred of ...
Promises of a better future
While the function of the Ministry of Transport is to undertake the design, building and maintenance of the Kingdom’s network of roads, it is also responsible for the co-ordination of all surface transport, including bus services and railways. The Mayoralty ...
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